Today’s Workout: Running + Weight Training

A few weeks ago, I ran my first half marathon in 1:54:54. I think I could have done it about ten minutes faster if I didn’t have to stop and the bathroom  around mile 3 and all of my injuries, including plantar fasciitis. 

I have been easing into running more again and feel like I have finally recovered. My knees or my feet aren’t hurting one bit (Knock on wood)!

Today my workout consisted of intervals on the treadmill and elliptical and some strength and toning exercises!

For 25 minutes I did walking on incline, run, and sprint intervals that looked like this:

0-5 (7.4 incline/4.2 speed)                                    
5-9 (3.0 incline/6.8 speed)
9-10 (3.0 incline/8.0 speed)
10-15 (7.4 incline/4.2 speed)
15-19 (3.0 incline/6.8 speed)
19-20 (3.0 incline/8.5 speed)
20-25 (7.4 incline/4.2 speed)

Elliptical: (10 minutes of the same thing from minutes 0-10)


Arms: Bent- Over Rows, Tricep Extensions, Lateral Raises, Bicep Curls, Tricep Dips
Legs: Squats with Dumbells, Squat + Press, Deadlifts
Abs: 10 minutes of core work (Leg Raises, FlutterKicks, Russian Twists, Side Planks, Plank, Pulse Variations)